Author: Alicia


How Much Do Golden Retrievers Cost?

How much is that doggie in the window? Being a responsible owner means evaluating your golden retriever costs and determining whether you’re ready to make the time, financial and emotional commitment needed. What Influences How Much Golden Retrievers Cost? Even after you pay for your dog to get home, you

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How Long Do Golden Retrievers Live?

Before adopting any dog, you’ll want to consider its life span so you can be sure you understand the commitment you’ll need to make. After all, you will need to care for your companion during all of its years. What Affects the Life Span of a Golden Retriever? The golden

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Golden Retriever Shedding

Golden Retrievers have lush, gorgeous coats. Somehow though, the fur always looks less glamorous and attractive when it’s all over your pants. And your shirt. And your sofa. And your carpets. Let’s work on a fix. What Months Do Golden Retrievers Shed? The good news is that Golden Retrievers shed

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How to Care for a Blind Dog

Dogs care about being safe, warm, loved and fed. While they rely on their vision, canines are easy-going enough to cope pretty well when their vision starts to fade due to age, glaucoma or another condition. That said, if you notice your dog bumping into things, getting clumsy, getting lazier

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How to Care for a Dog With Congestive Heart Failure

The heart is a pump, and when your dog’s heart can no longer effectively pump blood through the body, it results in fluid accumulating in various parts of the body. This serious condition is known as congestive heart failure. It can be caused by disease, age or hereditary factors. Congestive

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How Much Does Dog Training Cost?

Your favorite shoes got eaten up again or you’re thinking of getting a fun dog as a companion and you’re crunching some numbers first. In either case, training costs are something you may be wondering about, and we want to help. In reality, dog training prices can vary widely depending

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Health + Wellness

The Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Dog Grooming

STOP! Put down the clippers! Yes, that means you, reader with the double-coated dog. And you, too, pet parents of senior dogs who can never seem to stay clean. Before you evict your dog’s fur for offending you with shedding behaviors, you need to read this post. Just because summer

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Health + Wellness

The 7 Most Common Poisonous Plants to Avoid If You Have Dogs

Picture this: you’re whiling away the afternoon in the backyard, hanging out with your favorite pup by the garden. Every so often, he gets up to sniff a flower, maybe take a little nip at the grass. The sun is shining and everything is right within your little paradise…Or is

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Dog Parents

6 New Puppy Parent Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Oh, the magical joy of a new puppy. Is anything really as spectacular as that little furry, wriggly bundle of joy? We don’t think so! As a new puppy parent – or an upcoming adopter – you have so much to look forward to. The first year of your dog’s

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Health + Wellness

Why Dog Pacing Occurs

Dogs are really special – but they’re also complex creatures with very unique needs. Like humans, they, too, feel nearly a full range of emotions, and some of these emotions are directly linked to certain canine behaviors. A dog who shows the whites of his eyes, for example (called being

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