Trained Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale
Training is available for any puppy you get from us.
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*There is a 3% fee for Credit Card charges.
Trained Golden Retriever Puppies for Sale
Trained Golden Retrievers
We are pleased to offer these wonderful trained Golden Retriever puppies for sale. Our pups are available at various stages of training. From our “Started Puppies” to our “Trained Puppies” – each puppy receives basic obedience, potty and crate, and socialization training. We follow the Von Falconer Way, and regularly introduce our puppies to external stimuli to ensure they are well-prepared for the big outside world!
A puppy is more than just a pet. These loving creatures take on their own personalities and quickly become a part of your family. When you work with Golden Meadows Retrievers, we can help you find the perfect companion for your home.
Training Golden Retriever Puppies in Southern California
Golden Meadows Retrievers differs from the average breeder. All of our puppies experience a number of training activities that help them adapt to a home environment and lifestyle. Instead of just providing puppies, we work to train and prepare Golden Retrievers for life experiences.
Our Golden Retriever puppies undergo training from day one and are available at various stages of obedience depending on your preference.
Started Golden Retriever Puppies for Sale
Our “Started” puppies enter the training stage at 7 weeks of age and practice for 5 or more weeks. These Golden Retriever puppies have already learned a lot by the time they go home with someone and continue to work on the skills they’ve started, such as crate training and potty training. We also train our dogs to:
- Sit
- Wait
- Roll over
- Play fetch
- Walk on a leash
- Exhibit proper manners inside and outside
- Come
- Crawl
- Dance
- And more
No matter their level of training, our trained dogs will still need work to maintain and improve their skills. We recommend practicing with your trained Golden Retriever puppy to continue helping them succeed.
Fully Trained Golden Retriever Puppies in California
Our Fully Trained Golden Retriever puppies understand right from wrong behavior and commands. These puppies have been well-socialized, but they still need to be on their leash. Fully trained Golden Retriever puppies from Golden Meadows Retrievers have the following abilities from our training services:
- Walking on a leash
- Crate Trained
- Maintaining their potty training (between 1.5 and 2 hours at a time)
- Understanding hand signal commands
- Fetching
- Manners inside and out.
Puppy Online Profiles
If you’re interested in one of our Golden Retriever puppies for sale, remember that we keep all available options online. We know how important it is to find a companion that suits your lifestyle, so each Golden Retriever has an online profile for you to learn more about our furry friends.
Each puppy’s profile contains Biographical information such as their birthday, available date, training status, and gender. Golden Meadows Retrievers keeps our website as detailed and up to date as possible and will list any availability changes.
All of our Golden Retrievers have short personality descriptions on their profile. You can quickly discover if a puppy is a burst of energy or enjoys a good nap and cuddling.
We realize that a puppy is a new addition to any family, so we keep track of their growth from when they’re born to when they go home with you. All of the puppies at Golden Meadows Retrievers have a number of photos from four weeks old and on. Viewers can even see photos of each puppy’s mother and father with a bio description on each.
We’ll Match You to a Puppy and Litter
Golden Meadows Retrievers wants to learn more about you and your home. When you contact us about our services, we’ll match you to a particular litter and puppy that would fit into your home. We’re with these puppies before they’re born, so we get to know each and every one.
We want each of our pups to find a lifelong family, so we’ll consider temperament, activity level and pack placement when matching you to your new companion. If you’re interested in our Golden Retriever puppies for sale, fill out our Puppy Information Request Form today!
DISCLAIMER: Puppies are not programmable and do not all reach the exact same level. Like children, some pups will have harder times in certain areas and it is impossible to fully guarantee perfect training with every pup. Continuing success at home has as much to do with the new family as our training so it is important for you to be prepared to keep practicing with the tools given. Golden Meadows does guarantee that they will have worked hundreds of hours with each puppy and will do everything possible to prepare your puppy and you. Golden Meadows will provide training instructions, DVD videos and a lifetime of support so you can continue training and socializing your pup.