Why Are Golden Retrievers So Happy & Friendly?

Why Are Golden Retrievers So Happy & Friendly?

There's a reason why the family-friendly golden retriever is so popular. Golden retrievers are everything you could ask for in a pet — friendly, happy, loyal, fun-loving, intelligent and caring. These pets bring laughter to anyone and everyone and seldom get angry. What's not to love? We've put together a list of the 10 top reasons golden retrievers are so inexplicably happy and friendly to everyone they meet, whether it's their person or passersby on the street. 

What Makes Golden Retrievers Happy and Friendly? 

One of the top reasons golden retrievers are considered one of the top dog breeds is that they have no problem letting you get close to them and will become your best friend. These breeds are super friendly, easy-going and want to please you more than anything in the world!  Almost every reason golden retrievers are so friendly comes down to their inherent personality traits. These dogs are:
  1. Confident: Golden retrievers are naturally confident in their abilities and will follow any task through to the end. 
  2. Extroverted: Throughout their life, a golden retriever will stay fun and playful. These dogs are naturally sociable and will hardly ever act with suspicion when seeing a stranger. 
  3. Dedicated: Golden retrievers are anxious to please their humans and will do close to anything to keep everyone happy. These breeds are incredibly trustworthy, making them an excellent addition to any size home. 
  4. Patient: Golden retrievers, along with labradors, are commonly used as guide dogs for the blind. They are naturally patient and care deeply for the well-being of humans as well as other dogs. 
  5. Joyful: The happiness and playfulness of a golden retriever are contagious. 
  6. Intelligent: Golden retrievers rank fourth out of the seven most intelligent dogs. 
  7. Receptive: No matter how long you've been gone, a golden retriever will give you the warmest welcome out of all breeds. 
  8. Good-natured: Golden retrievers are benevolent and tend to attach easily and quickly to humans. 
  9. Docile: Because of their adaptability and calm demeanors, goldens are frequently placed in health facilities as therapy dogs. They have no problem staying quiet, subdued and obedient in your home. In fact, they're happiest this way. 
  10. Active: Golden retrievers love to be outdoors. The combination of spending time with you and some fresh air is paradise to these breeds. Golden retrievers are natural athletes and excel in sports that involve agility and competitive obedience. They have an innate ability to work and love to swim, play and run.

Why Golden Retrievers Are Everybody's Best Friend

Loyal and beloved, Golden Retrievers have been a part of more American families than almost any other dog breed. While the Golden has long proved immensely popular as a house pet, it has also long turned heads on the show circuit. What the average Joe might look for in a Golden might differ somewhat from what makes one stand out to a dog show judge. When it comes to the physically perfect Golden Retriever pooch, most agree that it should exude athleticism, and weigh between 65 and 75 pounds if male, and between about 55 and 65 pounds, if female. Golden Retrievers have two coats. One is a thick undercoat, while the other is an outercoat that the dogs use to protect themselves. The outercoat is often the first thing a judge will notice, so it is essential that it be well-maintained and free from clumps, dirt or tangles. When it comes to color, the ideal Golden can be really any variation of gold, from light yellow shades to a darker, more copper-colored coat. Just as critical as a smooth, clean coat is an ideal temperament. Goldens are known for its affectionate, friendly nature and general reputation as “man’s best friend,” and has an uncanny ability to adapt his or her energy level to nearly any situation. Traditionally, the ideal Golden Retriever is one with working ability. This includes marking ability, retrieving ability, and a strong nose and trainability, the latter of which the Golden definitely does not disappoint. Often considered one of the simpler dog breeds to train, Golden pups have a strong, sincere desire to please their owners. This strong will to please, coupled with an exemplary memory, makes the Golden Retriever one of the most trainable dog breeds on the planet. From their pleasant temperament to their easy trainability, Golden Retrievers are historically among the most beloved dog breeds for owners young and old. Have your puppy trained accordingly and watch it progress into a loving and loyal lifelong friend.

Contact Golden Meadows Retrievers Today 

If you're looking for a happy and healthy golden retriever from an AKC Breeder of Merit, Golden Meadows Retrievers is the place for you. We go above and beyond any other breeder on the market by providing ENS, or early neurological training, crate training and health testing to all our pups. Our puppies are guaranteed for up to three years against genetic health defects, and the first year after purchase is guaranteed under Calif. H & S codes.  We train our golden retrievers to:
  • Come
  • Sit
  • Lay down
  • Stay
  • Wait
  • Dance
  • Crawl
  • High-five
  • Roll over
  • Walk on a leash and use proper manners
  • Socialize
  • Play fetch
  • Behave well during car rides and more! 
  We recommend ongoing training for all our dogs to continually improve upon skills and techniques we've been cultivating from the get-go.  A golden retriever will love you unconditionally no matter what and can reach great heights when trained and cared for by a wonderful human like you! Contact Golden Meadows Retrievers today for more information about our services and our puppies.

Why Are Golden Retrievers So Happy & Friendly?