Author: Alicia


Why Dogs Tilt Their Heads

If you have a dog, you’ve undoubtedly had your heart stolen by those cute head tilts. Their ears stand up, they stare into your eyes and move their head to one side—and your heart melts instantly. You shower them with hugs, kisses and treats and patiently wait until the next

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Are Dogs Colorblind?

Your dog can see more colors than you think, just in different shades than you. Dogs perceive color differently than humans, but their world is not limited to gray, black and white as once believed. Dogs have a different eye structure than humans, which limits their color range to certain

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How to Get Your Dog to Stop Begging for Food

Most dog owners know what it’s like to deal with a begging dog. This common behavior can be a nuisance during mealtimes and a health problem for your dog if you give in. Understanding why your dog begs for food and practicing a few simple training techniques can go a

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Golden Retrievers

The Ultimate Golden Retriever Training Guide

If you are thinking of bringing an adorable puppy home to your family, a Golden Retriever should without a doubt be near the top of your list, as they are one of the most docile and affection breeds out there. Before you actually commit to purchasing a puppy, however, you

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Cat-Friendly Dog Breeds

Although cats and dogs have a long-standing reputation as archenemies, it is possible for them to become best friends — or at least live peacefully together! Adding a dog to your cat-owning family may be easier than you think — as long as you choose the right dog breed. Figuring

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Dog Parents

Pet’s Death Can Literally Cause a Broken Heart

When a treasured pet dies, it can literally incapacitate us. It’s an all-encompassing sort of grief that feels very much like losing a family member – and why wouldn’t it be? After all, our beloved pets are just as much our family members as anyone else. New evidence shows that losing

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Sporting Dogs

Common Traits of Pointing Dogs

It is important to know some of the common traits of the dog you are looking to add to your family. Some dogs have various exercise requirements, temperaments and other needs that may or may not fit your family composition. Therefore, it would be wise to do your due diligence

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Canine Companions

Do Golden Retrievers Like to Cuddle?

With their famous happy-go-lucky attitude, it’s no surprise that cuddling is one of a Golden Retriever’s favorite pastimes. Anyone who’s owned or spent a lot of time around this beautiful breed will tell you that these dogs truly are “man’s best friend,” with an unparalleled intuition that seems to let

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Most Obedient Dog Breeds

With so many dog breeds in the world, you’re sure to find one that fits your family and has the temperament you appreciate. While some people like a rambunctious dog that does its own thing, others need a furry friend that listens and follows directions. Some breeds are more obedient

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What Is the Happiest Dog Breed?

Dogs are well-known for their friendly nature. A good run, treats and love are all many of these animals need to live a good life. Still, you may have noticed that some breeds of dogs seem to be in a good mood all the time, no matter how many of

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