Author: Alicia

AKC Vizsla Puppies for Sale: Picking Your Pup

Attractive, bright and easily trained, the Vizsla is a great pet for anyone who maintains an active lifestyle. If you are searching for AKC Vizsla puppies for sale, take some time to study up on the breed before purchasing one of these little loves for your own. Information About AKC

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Golden Retrievers

A Day in the Life of Golden Retriever Puppies

Golden Retriever puppies are a common favorite for families. They are adorable and friendly as pups and can grow up to be just as happy and loving. The key to turning that cute little ball of fur into the perfect family pet is knowing which breed will best fit into your

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Canine Companions

Therapy Dogs: Two Things to Know

Therapy dogs and other therapy animals can drastically help boost morale and encourage interactions among many different people. They are used in disaster areas, in homes for the elderly or disabled, and even to help shy children gain confidence in their reading. There are a couple of things that you

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Golden Retrievers

White Golden Retrievers: A Dog of a Different Color

Hearing the word “Golden Retriever,” most people pull a similar image to mind: a dog with a gorgeous, flowing golden coat, a smiling face, warm eyes, and a wagging tail. But what if that image remained the same except the dog had a beautiful white colored coat instead of a

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Training + Obedience

Untrained vs. Trained Vizslas

There is a difference amongst the dogs you see at the dog park. While you may not be able to put your finger on why, some are simply more enjoyable to be around. Proper training has a lot to do with this. Before you decide to “learn as you go”

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AKC Vizsla Puppies, American Kennel Club’s Invaluable Efforts

The American Kennel Club (AKC) desires the advancement of purebred dogs’ health and well-being, and one of its primary goals is to place these animals into the arms of loving adoptive families. Every dog breed possesses its own distinct abilities and personality traits, and the AKC strives to help families

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Golden Retrievers

AKC Golden Retriever Breeders Deserving of Merit

Golden Retrievers are originally from Scotland. As their name suggests, they were bred to be hunting dogs. Golden Retrievers have been recognized by the American Kennel Club since 1925, and are related to Irish Setters and Bloodhounds. Golden Retrievers can adapt to a variety of different living situations as long

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Training + Obedience

Importance of Training Dogs

Owning a new puppy can be a joyful experience. With their playful dispositions and loving personalities, they often bring happiness and affection to any household. However, the importance of training dogs, especially puppies, usually becomes apparent after that first pair of shoes is chewed to shreds or the first bathroom

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