Author: Alicia

Training + Obedience

Correcting Your Puppy’s Early Chewing Habits

Puppies are undoubtedly adorable and fun to have around; they’re great companions and incredibly loyal. Unfortunately, the younger the puppy, the higher your odds of coming home one day to find your loving friend has chewed something to shreds. Puppies actually chew for a reason. In addition to their keen

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Health + Wellness

Candidiasis in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

The organism known as candida albicans exists naturally not only in the human body, but in the bodies of our canine companions as well. Good intestinal health will keep the balance of candida and other organisms in check. Unfortunately, if something throws off that natural balance, the ratio of candida

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Health + Wellness

Should Your Dog Be Taking Probiotics? Here’s What to Consider

Most people don’t realize that the majority of a person’s immune system is actually located in the gut. The same is true for your dog, with the intestines housing approximately 70 percent of his body’s immune cells. It’s no surprise that having a healthy, functioning digestive system is critical to

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Golden Retrievers

These Athletic Dog Breeds Will Help You Stay Fit-Motivated

Forget the treadmill. Get a dog! Do you consider yourself an active person? Love to spend time outdoors? If you want a four-legged friend, but want to be able to take him with you as you enjoy your adventures, we have some great news for you. Certain breeds are naturally

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Training + Obedience

Adolescent Puppy Behavior: Taming the “Teenage Beast”

Because dogs don’t have the same life expectancy as humans, it’s often difficult to look at them and think of them as anything other than a puppy or a full-grown adult. The reality is that puppies also go through an adolescent period similar to human teenage years – a period

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Canine Companions

Is Your Dog a Good Therapy Dog Candidate?

You love your dog. To you, he’s the goodest boy of all good boys; the top-tier pooch, the best behaved, the most handsome, and the best at play. Whether or not those claims are factual doesn’t so much matter to you, because all dog owners think they own the best

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Health + Wellness

Addison’s Disease in Dogs: What Is It?

Canine Addison’s Disease (AD), also known as hypoadrenocorticism, is similar to Addison’s Disease in humans. It is caused by faulty or malfunctioning adrenal glands that fail to produce sufficient levels of cortisol and aldosterone hormones, both of which play a critical role in canine health. Deficiencies in one or both

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Activities + Adventures

Hiking Safety Tips for Dogs

Hiking combines multiple beloved canine activities into a single outing: sniffing, adventuring, barking, running, and maybe even swimming, depending on where you hike. For your dog, it’s the equivalent of taking a child into a candy store – they’re bombarded with sensory input that keeps them motivated, excited, and interested,

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Health + Wellness

Tetanus Shots for Dogs + Other Vet FAQs

You love your dog, and you want what’s best for him. But it isn’t always easy to figure out exactly what shots for dogs to get. A quick search of the Internet can sometimes make you feel more confused than when you first started, especially around topics like vet care,

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Activities + Adventures

Outdoor Adventure Safety Tips for Dogs

Is there really anything better than spending long, lazy (or active!) days outside in the sun with your favorite four-pawed buddy? It often seems as if summer is made for dogs and their owners; there’s so much opportunity for adventure, excitement, and fun. Trees to sniff, hikes to walk, puddles

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