Author: Alicia

Health + Wellness

Is a Vegetarian Diet Healthy for Dogs?

It’s in the news constantly the last few years: vegan diets for pets like dogs and cats. As more and more people choose to adopt healthier vegan or vegetarian diets, they begin to consider whether or not their pets can benefit from eating plant-based diets, too. Add to that the

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Health + Wellness

Veterinary Wellness Exam Checklist for New Puppy Parents

One of the most important ways you can keep your pet healthy and happy is to see the vet regularly. For new puppy parents, this is especially important as your puppy will receive his first wellness check and vaccinations shortly. Your calm and friendly presence will help your puppy get

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Health + Wellness

How to Keep Dogs Stress-Free During a Move

You’re moving – on to the next adventure, to a new city, to the country, or maybe to a new country altogether. You’re excited and can’t wait – but what about your dog? Unfortunately, he or she most likely isn’t so much excited as they are confused and potentially upset.

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Safety Tips + Advice

Preparing for Your Pup’s First Snow

There’s nothing quite like seeing dogs experience snow for the first time, whether it’s firsthand or in a video. However, in the excitement that comes with sharing a new experience with your puppy, it can be easy to forget that your dog is generally not ready to go dive in piles

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Health + Wellness

As Temperatures Drop, Don’t Forget Your Pets

Doggy, it’s cold outside! As you bundle up in your hat, coat and gloves, don’t forget to make arrangements for the health and comfort of your pets (including your dog) at the same time. When the cold winter weather strikes, don’t forget your pet’s comfort and safety; because as man’s

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Dog Parents

Key Considerations Before Gifting a Puppy

Christmas is just around the corner. We’re just as excited as you are, but we wanted to take a minute and have a frank discussion about a very serious topic: gifting pets. Every year, thousands of Americans give animals as gifts to loved ones, sweethearts, and family members. While there’s

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Safety Tips + Advice

‘Tis the Season to Dog-Proof Your Home

Happy Holidays! Fun and festivities are just around the corner for everyone in your home, including your beloved furry four-pawed folks. The Christmas season can be incredibly for fun for pets, especially if they’re social – there’s people around, plenty of treats, and almost always someone to play with. Unfortunately,

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FDA Issues Warning to Pet Parents Who Smoke

Do you smoke? If so, do you smoke around your pets? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, we want to caution you that you could be causing your pet harm. New evidence from a selection of recent studies shows what many veterinarians knew already: smoking around

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Understanding Dogs

Helping Your Country Dog Adjust to Big City Life

Considering taking the path of Beverly Hillbillies to become a city-slicker? Congratulations! Experiencing the lights, the sounds, new restaurants, beautiful parks, and accessible amenities makes life in the city almost as amazing as life in the country. Bringing your furry friend along with you? Know that most dogs adjust just

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Safety Tips + Advice

11 Things Pet Parents Should Do After Natural Disaster Strikes

If 2017 taught us anything here in America, it’s that natural disasters can strike suddenly and unpredictably. This past year, hurricanes caused more damage throughout the Southern USA than in any other year in history – including the year Hurricane Katrina hit. Entire areas were left without power or safe running

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