Vizsla Temperament and Personality

Vizsla Temperament and Personality

Known for their ruddy coloring and good looks, vizslas aren't just pretty faces. Vizslas are quite smart, loyal and active. If you've been wondering if you should welcome a vizsla puppy or dog into your home, read on to discover more about vizslas' temperament and core personality traits.

The Handsome Sporting Dog From Hungary

Vizslas first came to the United States in the middle of the 20th century. However, they were bred centuries ago by nomadic tribes crisscrossing what's now Hungary and parts of Eastern Europe. This breed's original purpose was to help their humans find prey while hunting. As such, vizslas tend to form very tight bonds with the people they're around the most. Although they can be kind to strangers, they're most attached to the individuals they see every day.

Keeping a Vizsla Mentally and Physically Energized

Because they're sporting dogs, vizslas naturally enjoy having "jobs" around the house. Even if their role is to fetch the paper or practice training exercises at the park, they'll step up their game and appreciate the experience. Keeping a vizsla engaged is critical to their — and your — happiness because they're intelligent enough to get into mischief when bored. Due to a vizsla's body structure, these dogs like to run and stay on the go. Most breeders recommend that vizslas get no less than an hour of moderate activity every day to keep them feeling and looking terrific. When vizslas aren't being taken for walks or jogs, they should ideally have a fenced-in yard available to run and romp.

Vizsla Separation Anxiety

Vizslas like to be around humans so much that when they're left alone, they may begin to suffer separation anxiety. Though every vizsla responds to separation anxiety differently, some common behavioral responses to feeling isolated include chewing obsessively as well as whining and barking loudly. They may also become ultra-clingy when their humans are home. For this reason, families considering a vizsla should talk about the possibility of having someone at the house regularly. People who work from home, or who are willing to get a pet-sitter to come at least once a day, are solid matches for vizslas. Individuals who will be gone from morning until evening should choose a dog breed that's less needy for attention.

Vizslas and Aggression

It is rare to find an aggressive vizsla because aggression isn't part of their natural temperament. Those that are purebred and raised lovingly by patient and knowledgeable breeding experts will typically offer up nothing short of total love and obedience. The only time vizslas tend to get aggressive is if they feel that they or their humans are in danger.

Vizslas and Children

Is a vizsla a good family dog? The answer is "yes," but more so for households with older children rather than ones who are very young. Kids who are elementary age and older will appreciate having a vizsla in the household. Children still in the infant or toddler stage may find a vizsla's intensity and drive too overwhelming. Most families like to wait until their youngsters are around the kindergarten stage to introduce a vizsla to the family.

The Bottom Line on Vizslas' Nature

If you're exploring which type of dog to bring into your home and you want a warmhearted, bright and animated pet, consider adopting a vizsla puppy or adult dog. With a lifespan expectancy of up to 14 or 15 years, your joyful vizsla will bring liveliness and devotion season after season.

Vizsla Temperament and Personality