Trained Vizsla For Sale
A * by the dogs name indicates an AKC Canine Good Citizen.
We are always happy to train up any of our Vizsla pups for their families.
We accept all MAJOR CREDIT CARDS* (VISA, MASTERCard, American Express), Personal Checks, Cash and NOW ACCEPTING ZELLE!
*There is a 3% fee for Credit Card charges.
Trained Vizsla Puppies
Each pup is already crate trained & sleep through the night without an accident. We train the pups to come to both a whistle & a snap. The trained vizslas have also begun learning to: Walk on a Leash, Sit, Stay, High 5, Down, Come, Wait at the door, Fetch & Drop, Not to jump up on people, Not to chew on anything but toys. They have also been well socialized.
Of course at this age they will have lapses & they need continuing education. They will work well for short times, because like most children they have short attention spans. But in your home you will help them to become a well mannered Canine Citizen.
Disclaimer: Puppies, are not programmable and do not all reach the exact same level. Like Children some pups will have harder times in certain areas and it is impossible to fully guarantee perfect training with every pup. Continuing success at home has as much to do with the new family as our training so it is important for you to be prepared to keep practicing with the tools given. Golden Meadows does guarantee that they will have worked hundreds of hours with each puppy and will do everything possible to prepare your puppy and you. Golden Meadows will provide training instructions, DVD videos and a lifetime of support so you can continue training and socializing your pup.