Tag: canine separation anxiety

Health + Wellness

Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Don’t Blame Fido

Dogs simply make our lives better. They show us how to love unconditionally, find happiness in simple togetherness and enjoy life to the fullest. In return, conscientious pet owners include their dog as part of their family for life. This is how it should be, but you may feel a

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Health + Wellness

Could My Dog Have Separation Anxiety?

  If your dog whines and barks incessantly when you’re not at home, he could be experiencing separation anxiety. Destructive chewing and scratching at doors or windows can also be signs of a panicked animal and not an ill-behaved one. If your pet paces, drools or urinates when left alone,

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Health + Wellness

Does My Dog Suffer from Canine Separation Anxiety?

Most dogs prefer that their humans stay home with them. They want to cuddle with you, love you, and they want to be near you at all times. Who can blame them? Dogs are typically very affectionate creatures, and being away from you can make them sad. While most dogs

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Health + Wellness

5 Tips to Help Decrease Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety

It is always enjoyable to come home to a warm welcome. However, if that welcome is accompanied by chewed shoes, soiled carpet and neighbor complaints of excessive howling, you might be facing a case of dog separation anxiety. Here are 5 tips that can help to sooth your dog’s anxiety woes.

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