Questions to Ask Before You Bring Home a New Puppy

Questions to Ask Before You Bring Home a New Puppy

It’s been medically and scientifically proven that dog owners tend to live, on average, longer than those who do not own dogs throughout their lives. If that is not the best reason around for getting a new puppy of your own, there is no good reason. However, not everyone is meant to have a puppy. There are many people who absolutely adore puppies and dogs, but cannot have one of their own for various reasons. Before you go out and get a puppy, make sure you are not one of those people who simply cannot make life work with a pup in the house.

Questions to Ask Before Getting a Puppy

  • Do I have the space for a dog?
  • Do I have the time for a dog?
  • Do I know anything about dogs?
  • Is my entire family on board with a dog?
  • Are we financially capable of taking on a dog?
  • Which breed is right for us?
Dogs are long-term commitments. These are animals that require someone who has the space, the finances and the time for a dog. For instance, if you live in a small studio apartment and want a Great Dane, you probably do not have the space. Do you work a lot, spend a lot of time out, or travel for work so much you are rarely home? If you do, you probably do not have the time to care for a dog. Additionally, there is the cost of owning a dog to consider. Aside from food and water, your dog needs a leash, toys, treats, and he needs veterinary care. If you cannot afford to care for a new puppy that gets sick or needs medication to treat a health problem, getting a puppy is probably not the right choice. Finally, your entire family needs to be on board with a new dog. If you can honestly say that you are ready for a dog, you have the finances, the time and the space, and your family is ready for it, you are making a great decision. If not, perhaps taking a little more time to choose the right breed and decide whether or not this is the right decision is helpful.  

Questions to Ask Before You Bring Home a New Puppy