Sallah has been great in the car, he is wonderful around the other dogs and beautifully social! Sallah is great with Cats and we love playing fetch with him. He is great at fetch he even drops the toys for us. Sallah is great going on fieldtrips to town. A Great boy.
This fun boy is beautiful on leash. He plays fetch enjoys toys and has been great meeting people. He does have some barking habits doesn’t like being left alone. Sallah is a big beefy boy. He loves treats and at his age is a bit on the GO! he has moderate energy that will be great for active/ athletic home. Still gentle and fun and once the energy is spent he settles. Chilling out to hang in front of TV. He’s been wonderful with the other dogs. Not a big kisser but he likes hugs. He is VERY handsome, medium energy and love his great recovery.