Do Not Feed Your Dog This!

Do Not Feed Your Dog This!

Most people have heard that feeding chocolate to a dog is bad, but there are actually several foods that can harm your pet. Ironically, most of them are those that humans consider to be healthy. However, what is good for you is not necessarily good for your canine.

Certain Fruits & Vegetables

Yes, you need several servings of fruit a day; your dog does not. In fact, it can be toxic to your pet.


While the pulp of the fruit is alright to consume, the pit is moderately toxic and can cause respiratory failure. The plants are poisonous to canines as well.

Currants, Grapes & Raisins

These similar fruits can all lead to kidney failure in your animal. If your pup does eat them, he or she may seem fine initially. However, toxicosis can develop within 12 hours, leading to lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea.


Raw and unripe tubers are toxic and can cause nausea and vomiting, and even seizures.

Garlic & Onions

These contain compounds that can damage red blood cells. They are most dangerous in concentrated forms such as onion soup mix or garlic powder. The effects may not be seen until three to five days later; see your veterinarian if your dog appears reluctant to move or tires easily after eating these foods.


Next time you are making bread, do not feed your dog dough. If it is swallowed, the stomach will provide a moist, warm environment that is perfect for the yeast to expand. Unfortunately, this means your dog’s stomach will grow with it, possibly causing it to press against the diaphragm and create breathing difficulties. Also as the yeast multiplies, it can create alcohols that can inebriate your pooch.

Dogs are usually willing to eat just about anything they can find. Protect your pet by keeping health hazards out of reach. If yours does consume something unhealthy, watch for signs of illness and contact your veterinarian for advice.