
Birthdate: September 18, 2022
Available: Ready to head home NOW

Training: Trained
Stage: Young Adult
Gender: Male, Neutered

Color: Blond





BRUNO has been Neutered.
Bruno is a great House Dog, he loves to play fetch and carry toys. He is a bit of a collector piling up the favorite stuffies. His manners, potty training, and leash are great. He can get excited and needs a few reminders when to settle and mind. We see him maturing and energy decrease with age. He is great with other dogs but not great with meeting strange new people. Slow to warm up, but give time and patience and he is a joy. Other dogs do bring Bruno out of his shell as he will compete for attention. He is considered large but he’s not that big beef cake we are known for.
Bruno is an amazing sweet boy. Wont be too big might touch 80lbs. He can be shy a first or slow to warm up in new places, but once he does he is the most loving and friendliest dog. He has been great with the Public access training wonderful in the car and he LOVEs to play fetch. A sweet and friendly boy once he opens up. His obedience leash etiquette and manners is great. Great on leash for anyone who is holding the “reins” He is is a total doll. This loving and patient boy has been through public access training we offer, earned his Canine Good Citizenship through AKC. He is a great example of this upper tier of training we offer. Please enjoy and feel free to talk about Bruno!